Save a life4life ETS – Association for cardiopathies NPO NGO operates in the field of social and health care in Italy and abroad for the pursuit of purposes of solidarity through the development of cooperation activities.
The aims of the Association, as declared in its statute, are:
- Provide health care to the people of the South and support the training of local health workers in particular in the field of diagnosis and treatment of heart disease, through promotion of:
- health education, through campaigns for the knowledge of heart diseases aimed at prevention and early diagnosis
- culture, through the provision of scholarships and research grants in the field of cardiology for doctors and paramedics
- scientific research, through the creation of a research laboratory on cardiomyopathies that could have a primary function (basic research) or support other related laboratories, and the promotion of committees dedicated to research in the field of cardiomyopathies
- assistance, with the promotion of models of cardiological assistance that serve as an example for the structuring of similar services
- Promote human, cultural and economic development of the poor living in the South of the world through:
- projects of cooperation for development, humanitarian aid, peace-keeping and decentralised cooperation aimed to make communities self substained in the respect of their culture and traditions
- support for children in need and their families, providing help for orphans and abandoned children through reception and assistance centres and the organisation of educational, training and integration activities.
Save a life4life Statute
(the text is in italian)